Conditions of access and use of the web site
By virtue of compliance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, 2002, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we inform you:
Ignacio Andrés Herrero Ortiz (hereinafter, Bike Experience Lanzarote) with NIF 16.051.552 – J and registered office in Arrecife de Lanzarote, at Calle Quiroga, núm. 1 – Piso 4º Puerta D, is the owner of this Web Site.
These general conditions (hereinafter, the General Conditions) regulate the use of the service of our Internet Web Site. (hereinafter, the Web Site) that they make available to Internet users.
The use of our Web Site confers the condition of user of our Web (hereinafter, the User) and implies full and unreserved acceptance by the User of each and every one of the General Conditions in the version published at the very moment the User accesses our Web, as well as our privacy policy and personal data processing. Consequently, the User must carefully read the General Conditions each time he/she intends to use our Web Site.
Bike Experience Lanzarote reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to its Web Site, at any time and without prior notice, to those Users who do not comply with these General Conditions as well as the Particular Conditions that may be applicable.
Bike Experience Lanzarote does not guarantee the completeness, accuracy or timeliness of all the information it contains nor, in particular, the usefulness of our Web Site for the performance of any particular activity by the User.
On the other hand,Bike Experience Lanzarote does not control or guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements when accessing our Web Site that may cause alterations in the electronic documents and files stored in your computer system.
Por ello, declina Bike Experience Lanzarote toda responsabilidad por los daños y perjuicios de toda naturaleza que puedan deberse al uso que los Usuarios hacen del Web Site y de sus servicios o contenidos.
Bike Experience Lanzarote reserves the right to make, at any time and without prior notice, modifications and updates of the information contained in the Web, of the configuration and presentation of the same and of the conditions of access.
Bike Experience Lanzarote no garantiza la inexistencia de interrupciones o errores en el acceso a la Web o a su contenido, ni que ésta se encuentre actualizada.
Bike Experience Lanzarote will carry out, provided that there are no causes that make it impossible or difficult to carry out, and as soon as it becomes aware of the errors, disconnections or lack of updating of the contents, all those tasks aimed at correcting the errors, re-establishing communication and updating the contents.
Bike Experience Lanzarote disclaims any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to the lack of availability or continuity of the operation of our Web Site and services.
Intellectual and industrial property
Todo el contenido disponible en el Sitio Web, inclusive, a título enunciativo, texto, gráficos, logotipos, iconos, imágenes, clips de audio, recopilaciones de datos y software y su recopilación (Contenido de Propiedad Intelectual), es propiedad de Bike Experience Lanzarote , y está protegido por las leyes de propiedad intelectual.
Bike Experience Lanzarote declares that the industrial property rights (trademarks, trade names, etc.) that appear on this Web Site are its property, being duly protected by the existing regulations on Industrial Property.
The User agrees to use the Web Site in a diligent, correct and lawful manner and, in particular, undertakes to refrain from:
- Delete, circumvent or manipulate the copyright, trademarks and other identifying data of the rights ofBike Experience Lanzarote incorporated to the contents and/or products commercialized from our Web.
- Use the contents and, in particular, the information from Bike Experience Lanzarote obtained through our Web Site to send advertising, communications for direct marketing purposes or for any other commercial purpose, unsolicited messages addressed to a number of persons.
- Reproduce or copy, distribute, allow public access through any form of public communication, transform or modify the contents, unless authorized by the holder of the corresponding rights or it is legally permitted.
- In general, to use the contents in a manner, with purposes or effects contrary to law, morality and generally accepted good customs or public order.
Bike Experience Lanzarote does not grant any license or authorization of use of any kind on its industrial and intellectual property rights or on any other property or right related to its Web Site.
Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
These conditions shall be governed by Spanish law, which shall be applicable in all matters not provided for in these conditions regarding interpretation, validity and execution.
Bike Experience Lanzaroteand the user, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction, submit to the courts and tribunals of Arrecife-Lanzarote-Spain.